Golo Föllmer cited in an article about: Today Radio is in a competition with Youtube, Spotify & Co. What is the way modernization can succeed, without loosing proven methods?
Please read the complete article by Julia Beil (German only):
Ein Medium im Wandel (Der Tagesspiegel: 09.02.2016)
Golo Föllmer cited in an article about: How can the Radio persist against Spotify & Co.?
Read the whole article here (German only):
Wie das Radio gegen Spotify und Co. bestehen kann (derStandard.at: 08.02.2016)
The University of Copenhagen, 19-20 January 2016
This workshop brings together researchers and practitioners engaged in research on transnational aspects of national broadcasting, notably direct collaborations, program exchanges and competitions. It explores how the “beyond nation” has been framed in artistic collaborations, how art has been contextualized as carrying national or transnational connotations, and how artists and editors have attempted to undermine and reinterpret such connotations.
PI from IP3 Jacob Kreutzfeldt together with Sandra Lori Petersen produced and presented the paper Site/No-site: The Materiality of the radio studio at the PSi sub-conference: FLUID SOUNDS in Copenhagen 18-21 June 2015.
The conference program is avalible here: https://fluidsounds.ruc.dk/program/
The workshop and audio paper program here: https://fluidsounds.ruc.dk/workshops-3/#AudioPaperProduction
PI from IP3 presented the Transnational Radio Encounters Knowledge Platform at the CAPCHA Close up-conference: Future Memories of Community Media in Halle 5-6 June 2015.
The full program of the conference and sound recordings from the presentations are avalible here: http://livingarchives.eu/future-memories-of-the-community-media/
IP of IP3 Jacob Kreutzfeldt presented TRE and LARM at the IASA Nordic Meeting in Copanhagen 26-27 May in the presentation: (Transnational) Radio Encounters archivers, researchers and broadcasters
The full program from the meeting and slides from the presentations are avalible at the IASA website: http://www.iasa-web.org/nordic-branch-meeting-2015
18-19 September, Copenhagen
Europeana Research ( http://research.europeana.eu/ ) aims to support humanities research on the digitized content of Europe’s galleries, museums, libraries and archives by addressing issues such as licencing, interoperability and access.
Although much of Europeana’s dataset is already available for reuse via its API , portal and linked data set, research in the field of the Humanities requires specific sets of tools and services, and further access to disparate collections.
What we learned from asking researchers about their use of radio archives...
PI6, Caroline Mitchell will present a paper ‘Re-sounding feminist radio: using radio archives as transnational connectors’ at the final CAPTCHA event "Radio Archives in European Community Media" International Conference on Open Radio Archives organized by Radio CORAX 4-6 June 2015 in Halle/Saale (Germany).
28-29 October, 2014, PI6 Caroline Mitchell presented a paper on TRE research at Future Thinking: The AHRC Connected Communities Collection, Archiving the Audio-Visual and Beyond., University of Salford.
14 November, 2014, PI6 Caroline Mitchell presented TRE work about women´s networks and archives at University of Bournemouth’s Centre for Media History WREN (Women´s Radio Research in Europe Network) workshop.
PIs 5 and 6, Peter Lewis and Caroline Mitchell organised a workshop, ‘Crossing boundaries: social. cultural and ethnic minorities in community radio’ at the conference of the Radio Research Section of ECREA at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 28-30 October 2015. The pre-conference sessions and AGM on the same day of the Community Media Forum for Europe (CMFE) meant that the workshop's twenty participants included broadcasters and activists as well as academics, making for a fruitful exchange of experience.
At the international conference at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia, June 4 and 5, 2015 The borders of Radio/Les frontières de la radio, the first ‘Sharing Experience’ workshop, piloted in Bristol and Jarrow in 2014, will take place in mainland Europe when PI5, Peter Lewis, with community radio programmers broadcasting in Basque, Catalan and Occitan, will discuss programming that crosses cultural, linguistic or national borders.
PI1 Golo Föllmer visited the ›Dokumentationsarchiv Funk‹ (DokuFunk) in Vienna to find information on the listening practice and ideals as well as technical and infrastructural development of the medium. DokuFunk's head Prof. Wolf Harranth and his colleagues helped to find fascinating early documents in this immensly large fundus.
On the side, Föllmer conducted an interview with KroneHit Radio CEO Rüdiger Landgraf on their packaging practices.
Golo Föllmer reported on the methods, questions and corpus applied in IP1's subproject on sequence analysis of a corpus of recordings of 24 radio stations from 12 countries.
Four interviews with producers and editors on their concepts of on-air layout were done in Cologne on March 31. and April 1. 2015. Wolfram Kähler from the cultural program WDR 2 and Torsten Remy from the youth program 1Live were asked about their approach to developing and using packaging elements. WDR, Germany's largest regional public service broadcaster, also has a central unit for Audio Design, of which its head, Angela Traud, answered Golo Föllmer's questions. Finally, Christian Wilke of the national public service broadcaster Deutschlandradio Wissen informed about his perspective.
TRE Workshop: Archives and Cultural Memory – Outline Program Copenhagen 28-30 May 2015
TRE researchers from IP3 appeared at a panel on Transnational radio and the construction of regionality in interwar Europe at the NordMedia Conference in Copenhagen August 13.-15.. See the abstract for the panel and the individual papers below.
In our second workshop, we will focus on „Aesthetics and Territoriality“, asking questions about how local/regional, national or transnational/European identities are expressed, mediated, transmitted and perceived through radio. To what degree do radiophonic sound concepts follow characteristics of national cultures? How do they express territorial belonging or otherness? How are culturally specific auditive styles developed and maintained? To what extent limit transcultural styles, such as that of American commercial radio, the development of indigenous forms in Europe?
The first workshop at Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) will be held 6. November. The purpose of the workshop is to find concrete areas for collaboration between DR Archive and researchers in TRE. The Workshop will feature presentations of DR Archive and TRE, specification of the agreement of collaboration reached between DR and TRE-researchers, and discussions of how the archive might facilitate each of the represented sub-projets in TRE. Furthermore the Nordvision secretariat will present the Nordic radio collaboration.