In our second workshop, we will focus on „Aesthetics and Territoriality“, asking questions about how local/regional, national or transnational/European identities are expressed, mediated, transmitted and perceived through radio.
To what degree do radiophonic sound concepts follow characteristics of national cultures? How do they express territorial belonging or otherness? How are culturally specific auditive styles developed and maintained? To what extent limit transcultural styles, such as that of American commercial radio, the development of indigenous forms in Europe?
Public Day
The first workshop day is our Public Day, taking place in the glamorous old GDR radio premises at Nalepastraße. We invite everyone who is interested in aesthetic questions and issues of culture and territoriality in the fields of radio studies, sound studies and radio art.
We will start with two introductory talks from the ranks of TRE. In their Individual Projects, Jacob Kreutzfeldt/Heidi Svømmekjær and Golo Föllmer concentrate on the intersections between radiophonic sound concepts and feelings of belonging evoked by radio. Their talks discuss historical and systematic perspectives on the relation between aesthetics and territoriality within radio research. Focussing on historical examples, Jacob Kreutzfeldt and Heidi Svømmekjær will talk about „The Sound of Brotherhood in the Radiophonis North“, giving us an idea how transnational cooperation in early radio programming was thought, and possibly succeeded in building bonds between publics of different nation states. Switching to an empirical approach on present day radio, Golo Föllmer, together with a group of Master students from University of Halle, will discuss the role of sound concepts in „Transnational Standards, National Identities and International Morning Shows“ on a recently recorded corpus of heavily formatted radio programmes from all around the world.
The second slot focuses on radio drama and radio feature as the two fields in radio production best researched regarding their aesthetics. Discussing the respective histories of British and German traditions, the British academic, writer and broadcaster David Hendy and the German radio drama reviewer and co-founder of the „Berliner Hörspiel Festival“ Jochen Meißner will lead a dialogue about »Radiophonies of Art, Place and Time«.
As the last theoretical contribution of the day, in her keynote „Accented Radio“ Katie Moylan will explain issues of marking national, social and cultural territories by means of details in speech styles.
To finish off this day, we are proud to present a performance programme of a special kind: right between radio art and radio research. „Formal Radio – reloaded“ will first present the original “Formal Radio”, produced in 1999 by Christian Berner and Frank Schültge, as ‘historical’ example of the ‘destillation’ of radiophonic sound concepts in a humorous and sound-sensitive way. „Formal Radio Extra Cheese“ is their own remake, commissioned by TRE, using material of radio stations from all over the world. It is finally, let´s say, commented by Gívan Béla performing a software system on the same audio material as used by Berner and Schültge in „Re-Rodia – mini cut-up procedures for automatic radio listener“, another commission by TRE. The sound artist Jonas Olesen and the radio producer Rasmus Cleve Christensen will introduce that session by playing a mix of milestones and lesser-known experiments in the transnational language of electro-acoustic radiobroadcast music. The focus will be primarily on historical danish radio-art, with an emphasis on the musical and sound-text experiment.
For hints how to find us there please check the flyer.
Internal Days/Research-Time
The two remaining days will be exclusive for TRE members and especially invited researchers and practitioners. These two days take place at Finnland Institut Berlin.
Friday will be dedicated to discussing different theoretical tools for systematic analysis on a wide spectrum of audio examples of radiophonic sound concepts. Finn Markwardt , experienced sound designer and teacher, will give insight into aspects of ‘Identity Management’ and ‘Broadcast Flow Design’ from his hands-on production experience. As theoretical counterpart, the hosts will sketch ‘auditory grammar’ and ‘auditory rhetoric’ as potential frameworks for systematic analysis. They will be supported by the sound engineer and designer Kiron Patka. Subsequently, the best part of the day will be dedicated to discussing in small groups the possibilities of practice-based and theoretical approaches to a range of prepared as well as brought-in examples of radio.
Saturday is reserved for discussions about the best ways of publishing and spreading results from TRE and the partners involved, amongst others in the Open Knowledge Base, the TRE Exhibition and the book publication scheduled for 2016.
October 23rd (starting 12:30) to October 25th (ending 14:00)
Public Day: Studio P4, Nalepastr. 18-50, Berlin
Thursday October 23rd, 12:30 – 22:00
Internal Days: Finnland Institut, Georgenstr. 24, 10117 Berlin
Friday October 24th, 10:00 – 18:00, afterwards dinner
Saturday October 25th, 10:00 – 14:00
Einladung zum 2. TRE-Workshop | AG Auditive Kultur und Sound Studies
[…] zweiten Workshop “Aesthetics and Territoriality” wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie lokale/regionale, nationale oder […]
2nd TRE workshop coming up in Berlin | Alexander Badenoch
[…] (re-posted from Anja Richter at […]